Emerald Vale Map for The Outer Worlds
Map for Emerald Vale Region on Terra 2 Planet in The Outer Worlds with Walkthrough, discovered Points of Interest, Fast Travel locations, Emerald Vale Quest List, NPCs, Vendors and Vending Machines, Workbenches and secrets. Game Guide & Walkthrough for The Outer Worlds.
Emerald Vale Region on Terra 2 Planet in The Outer Worlds
When visiting the Halcyon System locations in The Outer Worlds, I suggest you follow these guidelines:
- Talk to all NPCs encountered, exhausting all dialogue options.
- Try to achieve peaceful solutions using Dialogue Skills: Persuade, Lie and Intimidate
- Always use Skills whenever possible, this gives you extra experience points and often makes the game easier.
- Search locations for containers and collect their contents.
- Don't break into someone else's containers because you risk losing your reputation unnecessarily.
- Read all logs you can find on terminals
Of course, you can play the way you like, but then it may turn out that the story of the game will go differently than I describe. And that's great at The Outer Worlds.
You are known as Stranger. The Outer Worlds story begins for you when you wake up from a state of prolonged hibernation on the Hope spacecraft.
The person who brings you back to life is NPCPhineas Vernon Welles, a fugitive scientist.
This is the moment when you create your character.
Phineas sends you from his space station, in a capsule, to the surface of planet Terra 2, to Emerald Vale Region, to meet Smuggler Hawthorne.
Main goal in Emerald Vale Region is to solve Main QuestStranger In A Strange Land.
Capsule Landing Site
Main QuestStranger In A Strange Land Stranger In A Strange Land Main Quest
Unfortunately, Hawthorne is dead, she crushed him with the capsule during landing.
Quest StepStranger In A Strange Land Find Hawthorne's Ship
The first steps in the game are a tutorial, follow instructions heading towards the ship.
Guard Pelham
NPCGuard Pelham help him and take his pistol and sabre.
Kill your first enemies
Lieutenant Mercer
NPCLieutenant Mercer Get her to help fight the Marauders around the ship.
Hawthorne's Ship
This will be your Unreliable spaceship but first you need to take control of it. Come on board.
Edgewater Cemetery
Edgewater is the largest settlement in the area.
Edgewater Landing Pad
NPCLudwig Miller
Quest StepA Small Grave Matter Collect Ludwig's Gravesite Fees
Side QuestDie, Robot Die, Robot Side Quest
Geothermal Passcode passcode for Geothermal Power Plant, the same you got from Reed Tobson
NPCJeremy Damaged Mechanical Sentry
Quest StepDie, Robot Deal with the Mechanical Scout
Let Parvati fix Jeremy.
If you fix Jeremy (not destroy him), he can help later you in Geothermal Power Plant.
In corner of Junkyard in container you can find Plasma Rifle quite good weapon.
Quest StepDie, Robot Return to Ludwig
Abandoned Outpost
Quest StepThe Illustrated Manual Search the Collector's Domicile
Inside house Collector's Letter
River Hideout
Inside Cave watch out for anti-personnel mines
Quest StepThe Illustrated Manual Retrieve the Journal
Journal of M.Bakonu inside safe.
Quest StepThe Illustrated Manual Return to the Vicar
Transport Wreckage
Emerald Vale Community Center
Quest StepThe Long Tomorrow Retrieve the Cache of Medicine
⏳ Later in game after Botanical Lab:
Quest StepThe Frightened Engineer First Volume
Guide to Mechanical Engeneering Volume 1 it is upstairs on desk.
Botanical Lab
Near entrance
NPCGrace Romero
Side QuestA Few Kindred Spirits A Few Kindred Spirits Side Quest
Stefan House
Quest StepA Few Kindred Spirits Search Zoe's Home for Clues
Zoe House
Quest StepA Few Kindred Spirits Search Zoe's Home for Clues
NPCAdelaide McDevitt
Quest StepComes Now The Power Deliver Reed's Message
Thomas Kemp
NPCThomas Kemp
Side QuestThe Frightened Engineer The Frightened Engineer Side Quest
Abandoned Industrial Zone
EnemyGuillaume Antrim
Quest StepFistful Of Digits Collect Guillaume Antrim's Finger
Quest StepA Few Kindred Spirits Find Zoe
Quest StepA Few Kindred Spirits Convince Zoe to Return
Quest StepA Few Kindred Spirits Return to Grace
Marauder Hideout
EnemyDoc Maybell
Quest StepFistful Of Digits Collect Doc Maybell's Finger
Abandoned Spacer's Choice Settlement
Marauder Encampment
EnemyBertie Cotton he is up on conatiners, climb the ladder up the side of the adjacent container and then up the footbridge.
Quest StepFistful Of Digits Collect Bertie Cotton's Finger
Old Wreckage
Some hard enemies, Primal Behemoths and Primal Brutes
Primal Nest
💀 Lot of hard enemies, Primal Hunters, Primal Behemoths and Primal Ravagers
Tactical Shotgun
Body of Corporate Commander with Ol'Reliable and Plasma Rifle
North Gulch
💀 Some hard enemies, Primals and Canids
On bodies Dead-Eye Assault Rifle and Assault Rifle
💀 Some hard enemies, Primals.
Some weapons.
Geothermal Power Plant
Enter Geothermal Power Plant to finish quests.
Volcanic Summit
Lone Grave
After finishing Geothermal Power Plant
Botanical Lab
Return to Adelaide for Main QuestComes Now The Power Convince the Deserters to Return.
Talk to Adelaide, promise her that you will remove Reed Tobson from Edgewater, ask her to give you a secret that will help convince Reed.
Go to Edgewater
Meet Reed in his office, persuade him to leave Edgewater for Main QuestComes Now The Power (Optional) Remove Reed from Edgewater
Return to Botanical Lab
Botanical Lab
Talk to Adelaide Main QuestComes Now The Power Return to Adelaide, tell her about Reed.
Take Power Regulator for Main QuestStranger In A Strange Land
Reputation after redirecting power to Edgewater
Reputation with Spacer's Choice and Deserters after redirecting power to Edgewater and all other quests done.
If you still have something to complete, complete the remaining quests in Emerald Vale and Edgewater.
Return to Unreliable
Emerald Vale Locations
- Abandoned Industrial Zone
- Abandoned Outpost
- Abandoned Spacer's Choice Settlement
- Botanical Lab
- Edgewater
- Edgewater Cemetery
- Edgewater Landing Pad
- Emerald Vale Community Center
- Geothermal Power Plant
- Junkyard
- Marauder Encampment
- Marauder Hideout
- North Gulch
- Old Wreckage
- Primal Nest
- River Hideout
- Transport Wreckage
Emerald Vale Quests
Main QuestStranger In A Strange Land Stranger In A Strange Land Main Quest
Side QuestDie, Robot Die, Robot Side Quest
Side QuestThe Frightened Engineer The Frightened Engineer Side Quest
Side QuestA Few Kindred Spirits A Few Kindred Spirits Side Quest
TaskA Small Grave Matter A Small Grave Matter Task
The Outer Worlds Map Legend
Point of Interest
Point of Interest
with Fast Travel
Quest Giver
Friendly NPC
Enemy NPCs
Vending Machine