
Fame | Vito Arujau net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Vito Arujau's club?

Vito Arujau Club: New York RTC; Titan Mercury Wrestling Club

How about Vito Arujau's event?

Vito Arujau Event: Freestyle and Folkstyle

How old is Vito Arujau? When is Vito Arujau's birthday? Where is Vito Arujau born? Where did Vito Arujau grow up from? What's Vito Arujau's age?

Vito Arujau Born: June 1, 1999 (age 24years), Gomel, Belarus

How about Vito Arujau's education?

Vito Arujau Education: Syosset High School

How about Vito Arujau's nationality?

Vito Arujau Nationality: American

How tall is Vito Arujau in meters or centimeters?

Vito Arujau Height: 1.7m

How about Vito Arujau's weight?

Vito Arujau Weight: 60kg

Who did vito arujau lose to 2023?

state championships. He's in a white singlet against.

How good is Vito Arujau?

state championships. He's in a white singlet against.

When did Vito Arujau start wrestling?

state championships. He's in a white singlet against.

Where did Vito Arujau go to high school?

state championships. He's in a white singlet against.


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-07-17