
Rum and coca cola lyrics

Get lyrics of Rum and coca cola song you love. List contains Rum and coca cola song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).

Calypso Rose - Rum & Coca Cola Lyrics
Jul 27, 2016 Lyrics for Rum & Coca Cola by Calypso Rose. if you ever go down Trinidad They make you feel so very glad Calypso sing and make up rhym... PULP LYRICS - Common People
I said, "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola." She said, "Fine," And in thirty seconds time. She said, "I want to live like common people. I want to do whatever  ... WANDA JACKSON - RUM & COCA-COLA LYRICS
Wanda Jackson - Rum & Coca-Cola Lyrics. If you ever go down Trinidad They make you feel so very glad Calypso sing and make up rhyme Guarantee you one  ... Lord Invader - Rum & Coca Cola Lyrics
Jun 25, 2015 Lyrics for Rum & Coca Cola by Lord Invader. And when de Yankeys first went to Trinidad, Some ah de young girls Were more than glad, De... Xavier Cugat - Rum and Coca-Cola Lyrics
Rum and Coca-Cola lyrics performed by Xavier Cugat: If you ever go to Trinidad They make you feel so very glad Calypso sing and make up rhyme Guarantee ... Kreayshawn - Rum & Coke Lyrics
D'oh! We don't have the lyrics to this song yet. Submit them for us? Submit lyrics. Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending. BETH HART LYRICS - Fat Man
Suckin' red vines and rum and coke. Singing I like ya jesus but I loves the dope. I think it's workin' I think it's workin' yeah. It keeps me hummin' Hummin' hummin' ... Rum And Coca-Cola
Lyrics for Rum And Coca-Cola by Various Artists, Sven Arefeldt & Leo Mathisens orkester. Calypso Rose - Rum and Coca Cola lyrics
Lyrics for Rum and Coca Cola by Calypso Rose. ... Rum and Coca Cola - Lyrics. Calypso Rose. Lyrics not available. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn points. KARDINAL OFFISHALL LYRICS - Heads Up
First name Jay, but ain't similar to Hova My buzz is like rum mixed with Coca Cola My shine is incredible, versus a solar. I'm sick like a seven-day-strain of Ebola


Na Lin

Update: 2024-07-24